Big Game Drifting Reels
Drifting and big game fishing reels: selections of tuna and other big fish reels. Reliable, tested reels having the best value for money. Let yourself be led inside our fishing shop, in order to compare the characteristics of these reels, such as poundage, spool capacity, weight, maximum drag.
Drifting and big game fishing reels. To choose the right reels to allow us to challenge and win the biggest adversaries of the sea, we’ll have to evaluate their technical characteristics. The poundage, once a mere equivalent of line breaking strain, today points out the reel purpose, taking into consideration both its mechanics and characteristics. Today in fact, the typical reels for “drifting”, for which we use nylon monofilament (usually 50-80-100 pound category), are flanked by small but very powerful reels, that, to a reduced spool capacity, oppose both an enormous maximum drag and reliability, and they are for these reasons excellent top shot fishing reels, suitable for braided line (also known as dyneema) as main line in the revolving spool. We wish your purchase on Pesca Fishing Shop can help you fish well. To manage to let you be satisfied, we help you choose by both our precise descriptions of the “drifting” reels and by answering your e-mails. Are you in doubt on how to equip your boat for “drifting” fishing, medium drifting or even trolling? Don’t hesitate to write us at You could also be interested to visit the section “Drifting and big game fishing rods”. If you long for tempting tuna and other predatory fish by spinning, you should buy the Tuna Strike 270 XP by PescaFishing (click on the link). Have a good shopping!
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